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2020 US Census

Public Service Announcement “PSA” | Iranian Complete Count Committee |
(updated 3/9/20)
In 2020, every person in the Nation will be counted.
Every ten years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts every person living in the United States, including non-citizens. It is mandated as part of the Constitution.
When you respond to the Census, you help your community get its fair share of more than $675 billion per year, for the next 10 years, in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs.
An accurate count of Iranians residing in U.S. can increase Public Services, Employment Opportunities, Political Influence and Economic benefits for the Iranian community.
It also can lead to the designation of Iranians as a minority, which enhances university admission, loan qualification opportunities and funding for community-specific work.
We can all be counted as an Iranian in the 2020 U.S. Census in answering the question number 9 of the Census questionnaire by checking only ONE of the boxes and writing “Iranian”
Iranians – let’s be counted.
More information at IraniansCount.org

ﺳر ﺷﻣﺎری ﺳﺎل٢٠٢٠ آﻣرﯾﮑﺎ در راه اﺳت!
ﻧﺗﯾﺟﮫ ﺳرﺷﻣﺎری ده ﺳﺎﻟﮫ ﺗﻌﯾﯾن ﻣﯾﮑﻧد ﮐﮫ ﭼﮕوﻧﮫ ﺑودﺟﮫ ﮐﺷوردر ده ﺳﺎل آﯾﻧده ﺑﯾن اﯾﺎﻻت
ﻣﺧﺗﻠف ﺗﻘﺳﯾم ﺷده و در ﭼﮫ ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﮫھﺎی ﻣﮭم اﯾﺎﻟﺗﯽ ، ﻣﻧطﻘﮫای و ﻣﺣﻠﯽ ﻣﺻرف ﺷو
اﯾن ﺗﻌﯾﯾن ﺑودﺟﮫ ﺷﺎﻣل ﺧدﻣﺎﺗﯽ اﺳت از ﻗﺑﯾل ﺑﮭﺳﺎزی ﻣﺣﻠﮫ ھﺎ،

ﺑﮭداﺷت ﻋﻣوﻣﯽ،
وﺳﺎﯾل ﺣﻣل و ﻧﻘل ﻋﻣوﻣﯽ،
ﮐﻣﮏ ھزﯾﻧﮫھﺎی ﺗﺣﺻﯾﻠﯽ و ﭘزﺷﮑﯽ،
ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﮫھﺎی ﺳرﻣﺎﯾﮫ ﮔذاری در ﺳﺎﺧﺗﻣﺎن ﺳﺎزیھﺎی ﻣﺳﮑوﻧﯽ و ﺑﺳﯾﺎری از ﻣوارد دﯾﮕر
در ﺳرﺷﻣﺎری ده ﺳﺎﻟﮫ ﺟﻣﻌﯾت ﺗﻣﺎم ﮐﺳﺎﻧﯽ ﮐﮫ در اﻣرﯾﮑﺎ زﻧدﮔﯽ ﻣﯾﮑﻧﻧد ﺑدون در ﻧظ
ﮔرﻓﺗن وﺿﻌﯾت ﺷﮭروﻧدی ﺷﻣﺎرش ﻣﯾﺷوﻧ

ﺑﺎ ﺗوﺟﮫ ﺑﮫ ﺟﻣﻌﯾت اﯾراﻧﯾﮭﺎ در اﻣرﯾﮑﺎ ، آﻣﺎر ﺻﺣﯾﺢ اﯾراﻧﯾﺎن ﺳﺎﮐن اﻣرﯾﮑﺎ ﻣﯾﺗواﻧد ﻣزاﯾﺎی
زﯾﺎدی را از ﺟﻣﻠﮫ ﺑﺎﻻ ﺑردن ﺧدﻣﺎت ﻋﻣوﻣﯽ، اﻓزاﯾش ﻓرﺻﺗﮭﺎی ﺷﻐﻠﯽ و ﺑﮭره وری
اﻗﺗﺻﺎدی ﺑرای ﺟﺎﻣﻌﮫ اﯾراﻧﯽ در اﻣرﯾﮑﺎ ﺑﮫ ھﻣراه داﺷﺗﮫ ﺑﺎ
اﮔر ﺗﻣﺎﯾل دارﯾد ﺑﮫ ﻋﻧوان ﯾﮏ اﯾراﻧﯽ ﺷﻣﺎرش ﺷوﯾد، در ﺟواب ﭘرﺳش ﺷﻣﺎره ٩ ﻓرم
ﺳرﺷﻣﺎری، ﯾﮑﯽ از ﮔزﯾﻧﮫ ھﺎ را اﻧﺗﺧﺎب ﮐﻧﯾد و ﺑﻌد ﺑﻧوﯾﺳﯾد “IRANIAN”
IraniansCount.org اطﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﯾﺷﺗر درﺳﺎﻣﺎﻧﮫ

Public Service Announcement “PSA” | Iranian Complete Count Committee
(updated 3/9/20)
In 2020 every person living in the nation will be counted.
Completing your US census form and declaring you are Iranian, will help ensure your voice to be heard it will help ensure our community exists
On question #9 Check any box and just write “Iranian”
It’s easy
It’s important
It’s confidential.

and your participation is vital.
We are Iranians and we MUST count!
This is our chance, don’t wait another 10 years!

Public Service Announcement “PSA” | Iranian Complete Count Committee (updated 3/9/20)
Sarshomaree saleh 2020 dar rahe
آﻣرﯾﮑﺎ در راھﮫ٢٠٢٠ﺳر ﺷﻣﺎری ﺳﺎل
Soale shomareh 9
٩ﺳوال ﺷﻣﺎره
Yeki az gozineh har entekhab kon
ﯾﮑﯽ از ﮔزﯾﻧﮫ ھﺎ رو اﻧﺗﺧﺎب ﮐن
Baad Benvis : Iranian

و ﺑﻧوﯾس IRANIAN

Besyar Sadeh hast
ﺑﺳﯾﺎر ﺳﺎده ھﺳت
Ma hame Irani hastem va bayad be shomar beyaim.
ﻣﺎ ھﻣﮫ اﯾراﻧﯽ ھﺳﺗم و ﺑﺎﯾد ﺑﮫ ﺷﻣﺎر ﺑﯾﺎﯾم